Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Lord of the Night Trilogy

I had written a poem two years back called "Lord of the Night". Back then the in thing was vampires so I had made it dark and reflective of what in my opinion, a vampire should actually be; as opposed to the version in "Twilight".

Funnily enough, I found myself liking the poem a lot and I decided to expand it with a sequel called "Stains". The protagonist of "Stains" was the same person I had created in "Lord of the Night". Note that I say person and not vampire. You see, by the time "Stains" was completed, I realized making this guy a serial killer was a more frightening proposition than making him a vampire.

After "Stains" was complete, my friend Udayan recommended bringing in a new dimension to the poems or the series as he then termed it. This casual remark of his led to the third and final poem in the series, titled "Carpe Diem". "Carpe Diem" is a new look at the protagonist, who for purposes of mystery and laziness remains un-named.

Allow me to present my first ever complete trilogy of poems. Click on the links to start reading!

The Bilge Master

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